
Session 4:Assignment One Question Find one example of Internet marketing that you think is particularly effective and one example that is ineffective. Explain your reasons, for example, you can describe how well the effective example takes advantage of the Internet's properties (e.g. interactivity, personalization, greater hold on user's interest). For the ineffective ad, you may describe how you can improve on it. NOTE: You are free to use your own examples, or any of the examples I shared with you in class or in the class blog.
I would like to share this website with all of yours because I feel this is very effective for me to use their on-line service. This is because people can easier to check and buy the tickets of their desired movies. This webpage have providing a lot of function for the customers to check when to buy the tickets. You can select different movies, then to watch the trailer and read the outline of the story before purchase that.
You can select the location of each theater and pick up the times and dates you want. You don't have to worry about if you are not sure the location of the theater, because they are providing the map / parking area to see where is the nearest Mtr station. The facilities icon is for you see the size of the theater, number of the seats and sound system. You also can select your seat area and via the credit card to settle the payment. You might only required a few minutes to buy the movies tickets on-line and do your reservation as well.. Everyone can save a lot of time!
I think Balenco is an ineffective of the internet’s properties and there have a several action task should be input to their webpage to become more attractive. Because, new inspiration, Stylish, Color are most important of the fashion industry... But, nothing you can find from this area... And nothing interesting to movtivate you to go to buy anything from their stores.. I am suggest the followings to improve thier webpage.
First, input some fashion element inside the website, like to launch their new development products for Men, Women and Kids. Because you have tell all the customers what kind the products you can supply in the stores right now and what are the upcoming products for the next season.. Second, Stylish & Color is the major successful factor to attract the new customers. They should insert more new styling products online for selection. Meantime, provide the purchase on-line service.
So, people can purchase their desire items and via the internet to buy immediately.. I will input the open forum for everyone to share and express any new ideas or comments of our products. That is my suggestion would like to share with everyone ....

1 則留言:

  1. I agree with your comments and suggestions. I use cinema.com.hk to buy tickets as well...service is reliable and interface is easy to use.

    For Baleno, I find their navigation bar quite confusing. For example, one of their menu buttons is "Dolphin", but it's not clear why dolphins are included on their navigation menu. It's only after I clicked on it that I found out it's because they're sponsors of Ocean Park's conservation program.
